
11:24 PM

Today was a good day. I was sitting on the Knoll with a phil-friend when suddenly - something amazing, wonderful and spectacular happened. These people (angels? heroes?) appear out of nowhere (read: just around the corner). They were trying advertise their cause and they did this with a BANG! Yes. They had PIÑATAS!

Not even kidding about how excited I was! Me and S both tried to kill it but didn't quite succeed. Many other's also had a go at it and 2 minutes after we should have started heading towards class someone (really great and strong and wonderful!) finally manages to crack it open. Quickly grabbing some candy we then hurried to class.

End of exciting day! Below is good song. Bonus points if you understand how it is connected to piñatas. It's not that far-fetched.

And it's sunny again :)

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  1. jag ändrar mig, den är bäst den med, bättre faktiskt. Än kött.

  2. BÄTTRE ÄN KÖTT!?!? Wow. Den är verkligen bra då. Om du jämför den med Master Chief?

  3. Det är sant. Vissa grejer är liksom, ojämförbara. Är Master Chief bättre än kött?

  4. Han är ju liksom delvis maskin och delvis kött så jag antar det :)


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