Dreams under pillows

11:11 PM


Second day of GALA and we had lots of activities. Some quite fun and interesting, some not quite as much. Unfortunately we seem to be losing people every day. Tomorrow we'll be an even smaller group! On the other hand we've been recruiting people from all over the place to join our group. They do for a while usually, which is fun. Met some cool people today as well, from different countries. Haven't really met any canadians yet* (it is after all international student orientation) but hopefully I'll make some canadian friends soon. But I'll definitely remember, I am not alone! (As we've been hearing a thousand times these past couple days.)

*EDIT! I have made a canadian friend. He's cool and he plays the double bass which is way cool. So yeah, sorry I lied ('cause I totally didn't forget about him) 

Don't really know what else to say. Too bad I couldn't go partay (darn all these 19+ events!) but I've had a great time anyways. Looking forward to the weekend, we'll see what it has in store for me.

I'll end of this post with a music video I like. It's cool.

Watch this video, enjoy and then go look at nature. Or something.


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  1. Fin musik. Keep the updates coming and I'll continue to stalk you for a bit :)


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