Svenskt tema

12:11 PM


Today's update has a Swedish theme. Below are some examples of Swedish things I miss/like

Swedish things I miss

Swedish milk.
Svensk mjölk smakar mycket bättre.

My house and my family

My friends


Swedish things I like that I have here



Axel is probably my favorite Swedish person here, this clearly shows how awesome he is because if you know me, I usually don't have favorites. It's his birthday today so I thought I'd give him a little shout out. I have also written a poem (lies: I'm going to make one up on the fly below) in his your honor. This part is now directed directly at Axel.

Axel, nu har du gått från kille till man
Du kan göra saker vi yngre inte kan.
För du har inte längre det där problemet
eftersom du nu kan gå till Systemet!

I'm a poetic genius. An artist. I should drop out of university and start writing full time. 

Grattis på födelsedagen!


Also, a quick mention of Charlotte who although she isn't Swedish, she is blonde! And she's my friend. And it was her birthday yesterday. So, Charblonde, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 


Now I am going to start a productive day and go check on my bread that is rising.


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