Hannah and the Case of The Missing Motivation

7:36 PM

Why Do I Never Do What I Am Supposed to Do?
Feelings of Apathy: A Case Study of a University Student
I'm Having Way Too Much Fun Coming Up With Titles For This Post

Hi everyone,

It's finals... again.  I've totally lost my motivation to do anything related to school. Or anything that doesn't involve food. Today my biggest accomplishment was either getting out of bed or taking a shower. I haven't decided what I am the most proud of yet.

If I would write a book about my life right now it would be called Hannah and the Case of The Missing Motivation. It would be written à la children/YA's detective novels. Think Nancy Drew. It would however, be directed at a somewhat older audience. It would feature me, searching for motivation to do things. Disguised in its detective novel form it would actually be an existential exploration and a soul-searching spiritual journey. It wouldn't be for everyone. Quite difficult to understand.


Lost the motivation to write anything more. I'm just going to end this post right here.

The End


She didn't find it until May


The Real End

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