What has life offered since the last update? The answer is "a lot"!
First of all, there were Finals. They were... there. And that is about all. They were not particularly fun but they still had to be done. My last Final was a Saturday at 8.30 am so I decided to stay the night on campus with my friend Kiki.
The next morning, at 7 am we thought it would be a good time to get breakfast. Unfortunately the world did not seem to think it was a good time for us. The cafeteria was closed so we headed to SUB. But when we got there it seemed like everything was closed too. So walked towards the Village we finally ended up at the Boulevard Café (which was where we were we chilled together last time). We had the most amazing breakfast there. It was a good day.
After the Final my love Becca picked me up. We made grilled cheese sandwiches and I learnt what these were. Then I hung around until dinner time and it was decided that I'd stay for dinner. Lucky that, since it was Becca and I that made the dinner. It was pretty yummy if I may say so myself.
After dinner (and dessert) I headed back to campus to celebrate my dear friend Natasha who was turning 18 the next day. Good times were had by all and then I slept over in Laura's room.
The next day, which was Sunday I first went to cousin Sarah's dance recital. It was awesome! After that I went home and waited for my fav girls Tung and Laura for a sleepover. We ate some delicious tomato soup and then we made gingerbread cookies. Cuddly times were had by all.

On Monday I went with Uncle Chris to my first Canucks game! It was super exciting and there were tons and tons of people there. Because I was there watching them play, they (of course) won! Go Canucks!
Tuesday was another great day because I got to see my beloved Becca again. This time with the rest of her lovely crew of girls.
Wednesday night is a good night to go clubbing. So Laura, Claudia and I put on our fancy dresses and shoes, drank a glass (or so) of wine and headed downtown to Crystallize. We danced all night and had a great time. The night gets two thumbs up even though there were too many old creepy men and the guy to girl ration was not balanced.
Today, which is Thursday, was the day I started my shopping for the holidays. After some intense shopping I found Tung and Laura and together with their friends M and J we went for dinner at Café D'Lite. Yumyum.
Currently I'm sitting in Tung's living room chilling with my fav girls in our most relaxed outfits. Life is good. Tomorrow my family's arriving in Vancouver and I could not be more excited.
(Note: Amount of sleepovers in one week - 5. Pretty impressive I must say)
All in all, it's good to be back. Love to all. Happy holidays!
What has life offered since the last update? The answer is "a lot"!
First of all, there were Finals. They were... there. And that is about all. They were not particularly fun but they still had to be done. My last Final was a Saturday at 8.30 am so I decided to stay the night on campus with my friend Kiki.
The next morning, at 7 am we thought it would be a good time to get breakfast. Unfortunately the world did not seem to think it was a good time for us. The cafeteria was closed so we headed to SUB. But when we got there it seemed like everything was closed too. So walked towards the Village we finally ended up at the Boulevard Café (which was where we were we chilled together last time). We had the most amazing breakfast there. It was a good day.
After the Final my love Becca picked me up. We made grilled cheese sandwiches and I learnt what these were. Then I hung around until dinner time and it was decided that I'd stay for dinner. Lucky that, since it was Becca and I that made the dinner. It was pretty yummy if I may say so myself.
After dinner (and dessert) I headed back to campus to celebrate my dear friend Natasha who was turning 18 the next day. Good times were had by all and then I slept over in Laura's room.
The next day, which was Sunday I first went to cousin Sarah's dance recital. It was awesome! After that I went home and waited for my fav girls Tung and Laura for a sleepover. We ate some delicious tomato soup and then we made gingerbread cookies. Cuddly times were had by all.
On Monday I went with Uncle Chris to my first Canucks game! It was super exciting and there were tons and tons of people there. Because I was there watching them play, they (of course) won! Go Canucks!
Tuesday was another great day because I got to see my beloved Becca again. This time with the rest of her lovely crew of girls.
Wednesday night is a good night to go clubbing. So Laura, Claudia and I put on our fancy dresses and shoes, drank a glass (or so) of wine and headed downtown to Crystallize. We danced all night and had a great time. The night gets two thumbs up even though there were too many old creepy men and the guy to girl ration was not balanced.
Today, which is Thursday, was the day I started my shopping for the holidays. After some intense shopping I found Tung and Laura and together with their friends M and J we went for dinner at Café D'Lite. Yumyum.
Currently I'm sitting in Tung's living room chilling with my fav girls in our most relaxed outfits. Life is good. Tomorrow my family's arriving in Vancouver and I could not be more excited.
(Note: Amount of sleepovers in one week - 5. Pretty impressive I must say)
All in all, it's good to be back. Love to all. Happy holidays!