Doing It Myself
10:13 AMHi guys!
I want to start this of by saying that I started writing this post like, 2 months ago. I don't know why I haven't posted it. But I'm back and promise that I will post a few more things (most because this post would be waaaaay to long otherwise) very, very soon.
So lately I've been really obsessed with DIY projects. Think Pinterest. Except I don't have Pinterest because that'll just be way too much of a time consumer. I've finished a few projects (still some in the making though!) and thought I would share them. I only have before pictures on a few things though so you will have to use your imagination on what they looked like previously.
Denim & Lace
I saw this post almost a year ago and fell in love with it. I took a denim shirt I had bought at Forever 21 and transformed it!
The Thrifted Cut Out
This is probably my favourite, I've been wearing it all summer. It's comfortable yet looks so nice. It was also easy to do. First thing you do, go to a cheap thrift store, e.g. Value Village, with a good friend and carefully browse every. Single. Rack. This takes around 3 hours. (Thanks Becca!) Find something that looks pretty ugly but has potential to blossom.
Then chop chop sew. I'll just let Geneva explain things. Talking about her, a pair & a spare is my favourite DIY blog and will probably be my downfall.
Look how pretty it became. I'm obsessed. Also, thanks to Amelia who took these lovely photos. We had a photo session but unfortunately when she downloaded the pictures there were technical difficulties so all we have left are these (still wonderful) Instagram pictures.
Everyone should have a dress like this. Go make it!
Flower Power
I have so many flowery dresses now. Oh well, can a girl really have too many dresses with flowers on them? I got this when I was in Montreal at Eva B's. It is obviously way to large in the waist. I was going to sew the ribbon on to the dress but then I changed my mind. So it's not really a sewing project. It's just a ribbon tied around my waist. I'm not going to provide a tutorial for that.
Also, thumbs up for awkward mirror selfies.
Random DIY/craft projects
Keeping my stuff organized but still looking pretty? Perfect. This used to be two old shoe boxes, an oatmeal box and plain white paper organizers. Upcycled!
I also managed to pick out a colour that was the exact same as my wall.
Macrame-string-glass-bowl-dried-flower decoration. It almost sounds like a poem. I took creative writing so I (obviously) know how to write poems.