Bread baking
11:38 PMHello!
What might have happened in the exciting life of Hannah you may ask? Well, not much. Most of the week I spent studying like the good student I am. But Friday afternoon, after we had taken our first Psychology midterm of the semester I decided to take a break.
I like this guy. He's cool.
Also I like this song.
I'll let it represent the adventure I've written about below.
Except. You know. Without being chased by the law and so on. Because that's not how I roll.
Also, consider watching "O Brother, Where Art Thou?" if you haven't already.
So me and Kiki decided to go on an adventure, just as we always do when we hang out. Off we went, into the unknown wilderness. Emphasis on unknown because it was not exactly what would be considered wilderness. However, we did find a quaint little cluster of houses known as Fairview Residence, explored the posh Hampton Place (complete with a stroll through private property looking for Grandma Anita, she does make the most wonderful cookies) and finally ending up in Westbrook Village.
I had never visited Westbrook Village before Friday and I found it quite delightful (I'm writing in such a strange manner today). Me and Kiki inspected the whole "village" and when we saw something called Sail we were intrigued. So we went inside, and turned out it was a presentation something or another. Either way, we ended up looking at how future apartments will look like. We kinda wanted to get one.
My Friday night incredibly exciting since I started baking my sour dough. Making sour dough bread is a very long process. First you make the pre-dough. And then you let it rest for 12 - 20 hours.
Bread yummy yummy. No not done yet! |
Then you wake up and it's Saturday! The first thing you think about is of course your wonderful bread that will be made. You mix in some things and let it rise for 2 hours and then you have this wonderful sunshine love.
Also, it's a wonderful day and the sun is shining and why am I suddenly writing in third person?!
My point is, I was polishing my shoes sitting outside. Wearing only stockings and a T-shirt (because that's how I dress when I'm at home) and not being cold! This is noteworthy because if you know me even the littlest tiniest bit you should know that I very easily get cold. I wore double layers all winter. In Vancouver! It's not even particularly cold here.
But yes, spring is coming and I love it! It will probably rain many-a-times again but sunny days like that for sure makes up for it.
"STOP!", you say. Yes, you just said that. Don't give me that innocent look, I heard you say "STOP!". You're tired of me speaking of the weather, because that's basically all I do in this blog. You want to know what happened with my bread. Fine! I'll tell you.
After that you can finally put them in the oven and when they're done you have two delicious sour dough bread loaves! I might have forgotten to take a picture when they were fresh out of the oven so the picture is totally staged. There was another one but I had already put it away.
There it is! Looking beautiful isn't it. I have to say, I am rather proud of myself. If it was good? Yes, quite. But, practice makes perfect so next weekend I'll be at it again.
Finishing up this week's update I want to tell you all about a book I've been reading and just finished. It's not long, but it was the sort of good, that you don't want it to end. So I took my time and only read a little bit every night. The book is written by David Levithan and is called The Lover's Dictionary. You guys should seriously check out this book. I have a copy if you'll want to borrow it.
But now it's definitely my bed time.
Best movie ever.